A strong bond separated by miles, how does that work?

Some couples might say, even in close proximity there are a lot of challenges then to compound those problems by putting a great distance between them is too difficult. Very challenging ,yes but it may actually work out for some depending on the determination and nature of the couple. Let me explain.

First of all, the nature of the couple; individuals in a relationship who are naturally independent people with a high level of maturity and focus can date whilst they live in different countries/states. They are in contact with each other and they have a plan for the relationship, also they are not easily distracted by things around them and even during arguments, they find common ground and settle quite easily. But the brilliant individuals with a somewhat lower level of maturity tend to be distracted from their relationship goals and are dependent on the physical presence of their partner to maintain focus on their relationship goals. All this tends to put pressure on their long distance relationship.
Secondly, possible challenges; there are many different things that can destroy a long distance relationship like
  1. Loss of intimacy. The saying out of sight is out of mind is very true. It's a gradual process where, in the long absence of the other person, we stop feeling as strongly as we used to for them, it's human nature.
  2. Distractions; this could be when we focus more on work than on keeping the relationship alive as the other person is far away. This could also be when someone in our environment becomes more attractive and interesting to us than our partner in a long distance relationship. It feels more real and exciting.
Solutions; There are no simple solutions to the challenges of a long distances but a strong communication link always holds the couple together and even if one person begins to get distracted, the other will notice instantly. Social media and chats like WhatsApp eliminates the concept of out of mind... and creates room for constant intimacy even when they are in different locations. Through technology the world has become a smaller place. Then a solid plan to end the long distance and bridge the gap encourages the couple to hold on to their hope of reuniting. Arranging visits to see each other is so very important even if it's just once in a year. These are ways of achieving great things individually while still together in a long distance relationship.



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