
How we break up
When does a relationship truly end, the day it is officially and vocally declared?

When a relationship doesn't work and the couple are done with it, we say they split, breakup, separate-so many terms for the same thing. What we always miss is when that relationship actually ended and how we react to that split. By the time one person tells the other, "I don't think this relationship is working anymore" or however they intend to say it, is not when it ended, it ended a long time ago.
People don't just suddenly break up, naaaaa! They have been thinking about it for a while and maybe even discussed with their most trusted friend(s). So I tell you, wherever you are when your partner declares that it is over, take a second to calm yourself. Do not beg! I say this because he/she didn't just suddenly decide this and believe me, it is over in his/her head. The person was just looking for a reason to blame the split on. Your best action would be to leave that place at that time; if you are in that person's house, just accept, leave the house and look for your most trusted friend or sibling to go to and cry there. It is very normal to cry, infact it always helps get the anger out. When you are settled, you can go back for your things. If you are in a car with the person at that time, just get out of the car calmly and leave. Begging only gives that person something to laugh about, makes the person satisfied that the bad news hurt you. 

Months after that you will look back and be proud with yourself that you handled the situation with maturity, after all, by the time you are in a better relationship with a better person, you will be glad you didn't beg.


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